The music advent calendar charts of 2015

This post is also available in German Polish Czech Belarusian

Of the songs of our retrospective you voted your favorite songs. More than half of the songs got a vote and the most votes are shared between a polish and a czech song, which therefore both came in in first place!

You especially liked The Tap Tap with their song „Riditel autobusu“, the song about a bus driver, that was well received in last years’ musical advent calendar as well.

Also in first place is Myslovitz with their song „Gadające głowy”, named after the movie by Krzysztof Kieślowski. This was the song that we welcomed Christmas Eve of 2010.

We hope you enjoyed our retrospective on six years of the musical advent calendar.
In December of this year, we will once again start our journey to discover new musical gems out of Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic and Germany. Please participate by sending us your suggestion or latest secret tip via email to or write us a message via our facebook page.

We wish all of you a happy and successful 2016 with lots of exciting musical experiences and already look forward to welcoming you again next advent!

Your team of the musical advent calendar!

16. The Tap Tap – The Bus Driver (2014)

10. Myslovitz/Krzysztof Kieślowski – Gadające głowy (2010)